
What’s the biggest blind spot in our understanding of cyber conflict, and why can’t we afford to ignore it?

In the rapidly evolving landscape of cyber conflict, one critical blind spot remains largely overlooked: the intersection of cyber warfare with human psychology and societal resilience. While much attention is given to technical vulnerabilities, malware, and state-sponsored hacking, we often underestimate the role of psychological manipulation, misinformation, and the erosion of public trust in institutions. Ignoring this aspect of cyber conflict can lead to disastrous consequences for national security, democracy, and global stability.

Cyber conflict is no longer confined to traditional hacking techniques such as ransomware attacks or data breaches. Instead, adversaries increasingly leverage cyber operations to influence human behavior, shape public opinion, and destabilize societies. Disinformation campaigns, deepfake technology, and AI-powered propaganda have proven to be effective tools in modern cyber warfare.

For example, the Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections demonstrated how cyber operations can manipulate democratic processes without necessarily breaching critical infrastructure. Similarly, China’s cyber influence operations highlight the growing use of online platforms to spread state-sponsored narratives and suppress dissent.

The Ukrainian Context: Cyberattacks and Information Operations

Russia’s war against Ukraine has been accompanied by large-scale cyber and information attacks. Some key examples include:

Cyberattack on Kyivenergo and Ukrzaliznytsia (2017): Hackers deployed the NotPetya ransomware, crippling the operations of both public and private entities. This not only caused financial losses but also created widespread societal chaos.

Hack of PrivatBank (2022): Russian hackers targeted Ukraine’s banking system in an attempt to undermine trust in financial institutions, which could have sparked public panic and economic instability.

Campaigns to Discredit the Ukrainian Military: The enemy actively uses Telegram channels and social media to spread fake news aimed at demoralizing Ukrainian defenders and civilians. For example, false claims about massive losses in the Ukrainian Armed Forces or betrayals by military leadership have been repeatedly circulated.

A crucial aspect of modern cyber conflicts is the use of technology to deprive the enemy of control over its forces or infrastructure). Notable examples include:

Satellite Communication Attacks: On the eve of Russia’s full-scale invasion, a cyberattack targeted the KA-SAT satellite internet service used by Ukrainian forces, disrupting connectivity.

Drone Warfare and Electronic Jamming: Russia has deployed sophisticated electronic warfare systems to disrupt the operation of Ukrainian drones, forcing Ukraine to adapt by developing autonomous control algorithms.

Attacks on Energy Infrastructure: In the winter of 2022–2023, Russian cyberattacks on Ukraine’s energy grid coincided with physical missile strikes, aiming to plunge the country into darkness and cold—an example of unmanning tactics in cyber warfare.

Neglecting the psychological dimension of cyber conflict leaves nations vulnerable to:

Erosion of Public Trust: Disinformation and cyber propaganda undermine confidence in governments, elections, and the media. This is evident in Ukraine, where Russian cyber campaigns aim to weaken faith in leadership and defense efforts.

Weakened Cyber Defense: Traditional security approaches often overlook the human factor. Social engineering attacks remain among the most effective hacking methods.

Strategic Manipulation of Digital Infrastructure: The use of AI, deepfakes, and algorithm-driven influence operations to deepen societal divides is becoming increasingly prevalent.

To counteract these threats, governments, businesses, and civil society must adopt a more holistic approach to cybersecurity:

Enhancing Digital Literacy: Ukrainian initiatives like Cyber Gate and Diia.Education provide models for citizen education.

Stronger Public-Private Partnerships: EU programs such as EUvsDisinfo help detect and neutralize disinformation threats.

Adaptive Cyber Policies: Expanding legal frameworks to include psychological manipulation as a form of cyber warfare is a crucial step in safeguarding national security. The Tallinn Manualprovides a foundation for legal frameworks, but additional policies must address the human-centric nature of cyber warfare.

Cyber conflict is no longer just a battle of codes and firewalls — it is a war on perception, trust, and societal cohesion. By recognizing the psychological dimension of cyber warfare, we can develop more effective strategies to protect democratic institutions, critical infrastructure, and the global information ecosystem. Ignoring this blind spot is no longer an option in an era where cyber operations shape reality as much as they disrupt it.

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